Form Control

To add a form control you have to create a new angular component via the angular CLI or manually. It must be annotated with @Control and a type must be given. See the following example for more information.


In this example a basic input control is registered.

Step 1 - Create component

  type: 'my-input',
  selector: 'custom-input',
  templateUrl: './input.component.html',
export class InputComponent {
    @Inject(FORM_CONTROL) public control: FormControl,
    public question: QuestionDefinition,
    @Inject(CONTROL_PROPERTIES) private properties: InputProperties
  ) {}

  public get type(): string {
    switch (this.format) {
      case 'text':
        return 'text';
      case 'number':
        return 'number';
      case 'currency':
        return 'number';
        return 'text';

  public get format(): InputFormat {
    return ?? 'text';

interface InputProperties {
  format?: InputFormat;
  <mat-label *ngIf="question.label">{{question.label}}</mat-label>
  <input #inputElement [formControl]="control" [type]="type" matInput />
  <mat-icon *ngIf="format === 'currency'" matSuffix>€</mat-icon>
  <mat-error *ngIf="control.hasError('required')"> Value is required </mat-error>

Step 2 - Registration

The custom control component must be registered in the FastFormsModule. See the following example.

Root Module

  controls: [InputComponent],

Child Module

  controls: [InputComponent],

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